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ローザンヌ連邦工科大学プラズマ物理研究センター Sergi Ferrando i Margalet(H16年10月)
I had the pleasure to visit Naka Fusion Research Establishment on Friday October the 15th 2004. Even though it was a one day visit only, I would like to thank the staff of JAERI for all the efforts they made to make my stay comfortable and highly interesting. Even for such a short stay a very thorough and insightful tour to the JT-60U device and infrastructure was arranged for me, as well as to the theory group division, including the highly enjoyable experience in the virtual reality facility. Most of all was the friendly and open attitude of everybody I met which impressed me the most. Altogether very nice souvenirs that I will gladly present to my research group, the CRPP in Lausanne, and which I am sure will contribute to maintain the already very cordial and fruitful interaction between our laboratories. Sergi Ferrando i Margalet |