

新URL https://www.qst.go.jp/site/jt60/


JT-60 Theory & Simulation Fusion Reactor Design JFT-2M Others

  • Sumida, S., Shinohara, K., Ikezoe, R., et al., "Characteristics of fast 3He ion velocity distribution exciting ion cyclotron emission on JT-60U," Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 61, 025014 (2019).  DOI
  • Honda, M., Satake, S., Suzuki, Y., et al., "Effects of the applied magnetic fields with various toroidal phase differences on the neoclassical toroidal viscosity in JT-60SA," Nuclear Fusion, 58 112012 (2018).  DOI
  • Sano, R., Fukumoto, M., Nakano, T., et al., "Conceptual design for resistive bolometer system with multiple apertures for measurement of total radiated power in JT-60SA," Review of Scientific Instruments 89, 10E104 (2018).  DOI
  • Sano, R., Fukumoto, M., Nakano, T., et al., "New design techniques of resistive bolometer system for analysis of total radiated power," Review of Scientific Instruments 89, 083501 (2018).  DOI
  • Ohtani, Y., Sasao, H., Sakuma, T., et al., "Development of thermal image plate using ceramics luminescence materials for aligning and stabilizing beam axis of CO2 laser," Review of Scientific Instruments, 89, 10B104 (2018).  DOI
  • Hayashi, N., Hoshino, K., Honda, M., et al., "Predictive modelling of JT-60SA high-beta steady-state plasma with impurity accumulation," Nuclear Fusion, 58, 66001 (2018).   DOI
  • Douai, D., Goodman, T., Isayama, A., et al., "Development of helium electron cyclotron wall conditioning on TCV," Nuclear Fusion, 58, 26018 (2018).  DOI
  • Sumida, S., Shinohara, K., Ikezoe, R., et al., "Comparison of Dispersion Model of Magneto-Acoustic Cyclotron Instability with Experimental Observation of 3He Ion Cyclotron Emission on JT-60U," Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 86, 124501 (2017).   DOI
  • Lang, P.T., Nakano, T., Peourie, B., et al., "Conceptual design status of the JT-60SA pellet launching system," Fusion Engineering and Design, 123, 167 (2017).  DOI
  • Moro, A., Coda, S., Douai, D., et al., "Electron cyclotron stray radiation detection and machine protectionsystem proposal for JT-60SA," Fusion Engineering and Design, 123, 435 (2017).  DOI
  • Tojo, H., Hatae, T., Hamano, T., et al., "Conceptual design of laser transfer system of the JT-60SA Thomson scattering diagnostic," Fusion Engineering and Design, 123, 678 (2017).  DOI
  • Kamiya, K., Itoh, K., Itoh, S.-I., et al., "Role of electric field curvature in the formation of edge transport barrier in the JT-60U tokamak," Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 60, 014023 (2017).  DOI
  • Fukumoto, M., Nakano, T., Itami, K., et al., "Efficiency improvement by application of horizontal magnetic fields for second- and fundamental harmonic EC wall conditioning in JT-60U," Nuclear Materials and Energy, 12, 725 (2017).  DOI
  • Hayashi,N., Garcia, J., Honda, M., et al., "Transport modelling of JT-60U and JET plasmas with internal transport barriers towards prediction of JT-60SA high-beta steady-state scenario," Nuclear Fusion, 57, 126037 (2017).  DOI
  • Kamiya, K., Itoh, K., Itoh, S.-I., "Reduction of ion thermal transport due to the non-uniformity effects of the radial," Nuclear Fusion, 57, 126003 (2017).  DOI
  • Sano, R., Mukai, K., Peterson, BJ., et al., "Development of bolometric tomography technique for high-contrast radiation distribution in toroidal devices," Review of Scientific Instruments 88, 935046 (2017).  DOI
  • Sano, R., Mukai, K., Peterson, BJ., et al., "Conceptual design of imaging bolometer for use of computed tomography in JT-60SA," Review of Scientific Instruments 88, 53506 (2017).  DOI
  • Fukumoto, M., Nakano, T., Itami, K., et al., "Efficiency improvement by application of horizontal magnetic fields for second- and fundamental harmonic EC wall conditioning in JT-60U," Nuclear Materials and Energy, 000, 1 (2017).  DOI
  • Cruz, N., Tommasi, G.De., Mattei, M., et al., "Control-oriented tools for the design and validation of the JT-60SA magnetic control system," Control Engineering Practice, 63, 81 (2017).  DOI
  • Sasao, H., Arakawa, H., Imazawa, R., et al., "Optimization of magnifying a polarization angle with Littrow layout blazed gratings," Review of Scientific Instrument, 88, 36108 (2017).  DOI
  • Narita, E., Honda, M., Yoshida, M., et al., "Effects of toroidal rotation on electron heat transport via changes in inertial force and impurity density," Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 59, 044012 (2017).  DOI
  • Kobayashi, T., Itoh, K., Ido, T., et al., "Experimental Identification of Electric Field Excitation Mechanisms in a Structural Transition of Tokamak Plasmas," Scientific Reports (Internet), 6, 30720 (2016).  DOI
  • Kamiya, K., Itoh, K., Itoh, S.-I., "Experimental validation of non-uniformity effect of the radial electric field on the edge transport barrier formation in JT-60U H-mode plasmas," Scientific Reports (Internet) 6, 30585 (2016).  DOI
  • Nakata, M., Honda, M., Yoshida, M., et al., "Validation studies of gyrokinetic ITG and TEM turbulence simulations in JT-60U tokamak using multiple flux matching," Nuclear Fusion, 56, 086010 (2016).  DOI
  • Kawashima, H., Shimizu, K., Hoshino, K., et al., "Simulation of Radiative Divertor Plasmas by Ar Seeding with the FullW-Wall in JT-60SA," Contrib. Plasma Phys, 56, 778 (2016).  DOI
  • Wakatsuki, T., Suzuki, T., Uzuki, N., et al., "Investigation of Ideal-MHD Stable Scenario for Plasma Current Ramp-Up with No Magnetic Flux Consumption in JT-60SA," Plasma and Fusion Research, 11, 2403068 (2016).  DOI
  • Urano, H., Aiba, N., Kamiya, K., et al., "Dependence of pedestal structure on collisionality at fixed beta in JT-60U," Nuclear Fusion, 56, 016005 (2015).  DOI
  • Natsume, K., Murakami, H., Kizu, K., et al., "Cryogenic thermometry for refrigerant distribution system of JT-60SA," IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 101, 012113 (2015).  DOI
  • Sukegawa, A.M., Okuno, K., "Comparison Between Simulations Using the PHITS Code and Activated Material Analysis," IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 43, 3916 (2015).  DOI
  • Higashijima, S., Kamada, Y., Barabaschi, P., et al., "Present status of manufacturing and R&Ds for the JT-60SA tokamak," Fusion Science and Technology, 68, 259 (2015).  DOI
  • Hayashi, T., Sakurai, S., Sakasai, A., et al., "Development of remote pipe welding tool for divertor cassettes inJT-60SA," Fusion Engineering and Design, 101, 180 (2015).  DOI
  • Urano, H., Fujita, T., Ide, S., et al., "Development of operation scenarios for plasma breakdown and current ramp-up phases in JT-60SA tokamak," Fusion Engineering and Design, 100, 345 (2015).  DOI
  • Sukegawa, A.M., Murakami, H., Matsunaga, G., et al., "Estimation of the lifetime of resin insulators against bakingtemperature for JT-60SA in-vessel coils," Fusion Engineering and Design, 98-99, 2076 (2015).  DOI
  • Shibama, Y., Okano, F., Yagyu, J., et al., "Welding technology on sector assembly of the JT-60SA vacuum vessel," Fusion Engineering and Design, 98-99, 1614 (2015).  DOI
  • Tsuru, D., Sakurai, S., Nakamura, S., et al., "Development of residual thermal stress-relieving structure of CFC monoblock target for JT-60SA divertor," Fusion Engineering and Design, 98-99, 1403 (2015).  DOI
  • Matsunaga, G., Takechi, M., Sakurai, S., et al., "In-vessel coils for magnetic error field correction in JT-60SA," Fusion Engineering and Design, 98-99 1113 (2015).  DOI
  • Kizu, K., Murakami, H., Natsume, K., et al., "Manufacturing design and development of the current feeders andcoil terminal boxes for JT-60SA," Fusion Engineering and Design, 98-99, 1094 (2015).  DOI
  • Takechi, M., Matsunaga, G., Sakurai, S., et al., "Development of magnetic sensors for JT-60SA," Fusion Engineering and Design, 96-97, 985 (2015).  DOI
  • Obana, T., Murakami, H., Takahata, K., et al., "Performance verification tests of JT-60SA CS model coil," Physica C, 518, 96 (2015).  DOI
  • Murakami, H., Kizu, K., Ichige, T., et al., "Development of terminal joint and lead extension for JT-60SA central solenoid," IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 25, 4201305 (2015).  DOI
  • Nakamura, K., Yamamoto, Y., Suzuki, K., et al., "Evaluation of Temperature Rise Caused by AC Loss Due to Plasma Disruption in Joint of JT-60SA Poloidal Field Coil," IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 25, 4200704 (2015).  DOI
  • Naito, O., "An analytic formula for the relativistic incoherent Thomson backscattering spectrum for a drifting bi-Maxwellian plasma," Physics of Plasmas, 22, 084505 (2015).  DOI
  • Miyata, Y., Suzuki, T., Takechi, M., et al., "Assessment of accuracy of plasma shape reconstruction by the Cauchy condition surface method in JT-60SA," Review of Scientific Instruments, 86, 073511 (2015).  DOI
  • Nakano, T., and JT-60 team, "Comparison of Ne and Ar seeded radiative divertor plasmas in JT-60U," Jounals of Nuclear Materials, 463, 555 (2015).  DOI
  • Fukumoto, M., Nakano, T., Ueda, Y., et al., "Deuterium retention in tungsten coating layers irradiated with deuterium and carbon ions," Journal of Nuclear Materials, 462, 354 (2015).  DOI
  • Koide, Y., Yoshida, K., Wanner, M., et al., "JT-60SA Superconducting Magnet System," Nuclear Fusion, 55, 086001 (2015).  DOI
  • Yoshida, M., Honda, M., Narita, E., et al., "Effects of toroidal rotation shear and magnetic shear on thermal and particle transport in plasmas with electron cyclotron heating on JT-60U," Nuclear Fusion, 55, 073014 (2015).  DOI
  • Honda, M., Satake, S., Suzuki, Y., et al., "Integrated modelling of toroidal rotation with the 3D non-local drift-kinetic code and boundary models for JT-60U analyses and predictive simulations," Nuclear Fusion, 55, 073033 (2015).  DOI
  • Kobayashi, T., Moriyama, S., Yokokura, K., et al., "Gyrotron development for high-power, long-pulse electron cyclotron heating and current drive at two frequencies in JT-60SA and its extension toward operation at three frequencies," Nuclear Fusion, 55, 063008 (2015).  DOI
  • Wakatsuki, T., Suzuki, T., Hayashi, N., et al., "Simulation of plasma current ramp-up with reduced magnetic flux consumption in JT-60SA," Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 57, 65005 (2015).  DOI
  • Narita, E., Honda, M., Hayashi, N., et al., "Gyrokinetic analyses of core heat transport in JT-60U plasmas with different toroidal rotation direction," Plasma and Fusion Research, 10, 1403019 (2015).  DOI
  • Naito, O., "A GUI-based intuitive tool for analyzing formats and extracting contents of binary data in fusion research," Fusion Engineering and Design, 92, 1 (2015).  DOI
  • Urano, H., Nakata, M., Aiba, N., et al., "Roles of argon seeding on energy confinement and pedestal structure in JT-60U," Nuclear Fusion, 55, 33010 (2015).  DOI
  • Obana, T., Takahata, K., (Kizu, K.,) et al., "Magnetic field measurements of JT-60SA CS model coil," Fusion Engineering and Design, 90, 55 (2015).  DOI
  • Kamiya, K., Honda, M., Urano, H., et al., "Boundary condition for toroidal plasma flow imposed at the separatrix in JT-60U ELMy H-mode plasmas, and physics process in pedestal structure formation," Physics of Plasmas, 21, 122517 (2014).  DOI
  • Kamiya, K., Itami, K., Takeuchi, M., et al., "Design study of a wide-angle infrared thermography and visible observation diagnostic on JT-60SA," Fusion Engineering and Design, 89, 3089 (2014).  DOI
  • Urano, H., "Pedestal structure in H-mode plasmas," Nuclear Fusion, 54, 116001 (2014).  DOI
  • Obana, T., Takahata, K., (Kizu, K.,) et al., "Modeling of Butt Joint Composed of Nb3Sn Cable-In-Conduit Conductors," Plasma and Fusion Research, 9, 3405122 (2014).  DOI
  • Hayashi, T., Sakurai, S., Shibanuma, K., et al., "Development of remote pipe cutting tool for divertor cassettes in JT-60SA," Fusion Engineering and Design, 89, 2299 (2014).  DOI
  • Ikeda, Y., Okano, F., Hanada, M., et al., "Safe disassembly and storage of radioactive components of JT-60U torus," Fusion Engineering and Design, 89, 2018 (2014).  DOI
  • Nakamura, S., Sakurai, S., Ozaki, H., et al., "Infrared thermography inspection for monoblock divertor target in JT-60SA," Fusion Engineering and Design, 89, 1024 (2014).  DOI
  • Garcia, J., Hayashi, N., Baiocchi, B., et al., "Physics comparison and modelling of the JET and JT-60U core and edge: towards JT-60SA predictions," Nuclear Fusion, 54, 093010 (2014).  DOI
  • Shinohara, K., Ishii, K., Ochiai, K., et al., "Evaluation of two-stage system for neutron measurement aiming at increase in count rate at JAEA-FNS," Review of Scientific instruments, 85, 11E823 (2014).  DOI
  • Nakamura, S., Sakurai, S., Ozaki, H., et al., "Infrared thermography inspection for monoblock divertor target in JT-60SA," Fusion Engineering and Design, 89, 1024 (2014).  DOI
  • Ikeda, Y., Okano, F., Hanada, M., et al., "Safe disassembly and storage of radioactive components of JT-60U torus," Fusion Engineering and Design, 89, 2018 (2014).  DOI
  • Obana, T., Takahata, K., (Kizu, K.,) et al., "Modeling of Butt Joint Composed of Nb3Sn Cable-In-Conduit Conductors," Plasma and Fusion Research, 9, 3405122 (2014).  DOI
  • Sasao, H., Arakawa, H., Kubo, H., et al., "Magnification of a polarization angle with a Littrow layout brazed grating," Review of Scientific instruments, 85, 086106 (2014).  DOI
  • Luce, T.C., Challis, C.D., Ide, S., et al., "Development of advanced inductive scenarios for ITER," Nuclear Fusion, 54, 013015 (2014).  DOI
  • Kamiya, K., Matsunaga, G., Honda, M., et al., "Edge radial electric field formation after the L-H transition on JT-60U," Contributions to Plasma Physics, 54, 591 (2014).  DOI
  • Shibata, Y., Isayama, A., Matsunaga, G., et al., "Role of the Electron Temperature in the Current Decay during Disruption in JT-60U," Plasma and Fusion Research, 9, 3402084 (2014).  DOI
  • Miyata, Y., Suzuki, T., Ide, S., et al., "Study of Plasma Equilibrium Control for JT-60SA using MECS," Plasma and Fusion Research, 9, 3403045 (2014).  DOI
  • Sukegawa, A.M., Anayama, Y., "Flexible heat-resistant neutron and gamma-ray shielding resins," Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology, 4, 627 (2014).  DOI
  • Tsuchiya, K., Kizu, K., Murakami, H., et al., "Design of the Pre-compression Mechanism and Gravity Support for the Central Solenoid Assembly in the JT-60SA Tokamak," IEEE Transaction on Plasma Science, 42, 1042 (2014).  DOI
  • Murakami, H., Kizu, K., Tsuchiya, K., et al., "Development and Test of JT-60SA Central Solenoid Model Coil," IEEE Transaction on Superconductivity, 24, 4200205 (2014).  DOI
  • Yoshida, K., Murakami, H., Kizu, K., et al., Mass Production of Superconducting Magnet Components for JT-60SA," IEEE Transaction on Superconductivity, 24, 4200806 (2014).  DOI
  • Takao, T., Kawahara, Y., Nakamura, K., et al., "Thermal Stability of Butt Joint for CS Conductor in JT-60SA," IEEE Transaction on Superconductivity, 24, 4800804 (2014).  DOI
  • Miyata, Y., Hahn, S.H., Suzuki, T., et al., "Validation of plasma shape reconstruction by Cauchy condition surface method in KSTAR," Physics of plasmas 21, 032502 (2014).  DOI
  • Nakano, T., Higashijima, S., Kubo, H., et al., "The emission rates of CH, CD and C2 spectral bands and a re-evaluation of the chemical sputtering yield of the JT-60U carbon divertor plates," Nucl. Fusion, 54, 043004 (2014).  DOI
  • Shibata, Y., Isayama, A., Miyamoto, S., et al., "The Effect of the Electron Temperature and Current Density Profiles on the Plasma Current Decay in JT-60U disruptions," Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 56, 045008 (2014).  DOI
  • A. Bierwage, "Role of convective amplification of n=1 energetic particle modes for N-NB ion dynamics in JT-60U," Nuclear Fusion, 53, 73007 (2013).  DOI
  • Kobayashi, K., Sasajima, T., "4.2 Radiation Safety Management in the JT-60 Facilities," J. Plasma Fusion Res., 89, 810 (2013).  URL
  • Sukegawa, A., "4.1 Radiation Measurement for Tokamak Fusion Device Operation under Neutron Environment," J. Plasma Fusion Res., 89, 805 (2013).  URL
  • Matsunaga, G., Okabayashi, M., Aiba, N., et al., "Dynamics of energetic particle driven modes and MHD modes in wall-stabilized high-β plasmas on JT-60U and DIII-D," Nuclear Fusion, 53, 123022 (2013).  DOI
  • Fukumoto, M., Nakano, T., Ueda, Y., et al., "Chemical Binding States of Carbon Atoms Migrated in Tungsten Coating Layer Exposed to JT-60U Divertor Plasmas," Plasma Fusion Res., 8, 1405159 (2013).  DOI
  • Obana, T., Takahata, K., Hamaguchi, S., et al., "Joint resistance measurements of pancake and terminal joints for JT-60SA EF coils," Fusion Engineering and Design, 88, 2773 (2013).  DOI
  • Shibama, Y.K., Masaki, K., Sakurai, S., et al., "Welding technology R&D on port joint of JT-60SA vacuum vessel," Fusion Engineering and Design, 88, 1916 (2013).  DOI
  • Yoshida, K., Kizu, K., Murakami, H., et al., "Feeder components and instrumentation for the JT-60SA magnet system," Fusion Engineering and Design, 88, 1499 (2013).  DOI
  • Gaio, E., Maistrello, A., Novello, L., et al., "Full Scale Prototype of the JT-60SA Quench Protection Circuits," Fusion Engineering and Design, 88, 563 (2013).  DOI
  • Tsuchiya, K., Kizu, K., Murakami, H., et al., "Fabrication and installation of equilibrium field coils for the JT-60SA, Fusion Engineering and Design," 88, 551 (2013).  DOI
  • Miyata, Y., Suzuki, T., Ide, S., et al., "Study of JT-60SA Operation Scenario using a Plasma Equilibrium Control Simulator," Plasma Fusion Res., 8, 2405109 (2013).  DOI
  • Fukumoto, M., Sakurai, S., Asakura, N., et al., "Development of Langmuir Probes on Divertor Cassettes in JT-60SA," Plasma Fusion Res., 8, 1405153 (2013).  DOI
  • Yoshida, M., Ide, S., Takenaga, H., et al., "Temporal and spatial responses of temperature, density and rotation to electron cyclotron heating in JT-60U," Nuclear Fusion, 53, 083022 (2013).  DOI
  • Isayama, A., "2.1 Remote Experiments in JT-60U," J. Plasma Fusion Res., 89, 464 (2013).  URL
  • Urano, H., Takizuka, T., Aiba, N., et al., "Hydrogen isotope effects on ITG scale length, pedestal and confinement in JT-60 H-mode plasmas," Nuclear Fusion, 53, 083003 (2013).  DOI
  • Matsunaga, G., Aiba, N., Shinohara, K., et al., "ELM triggering by energetic particle driven mode in wall-stabilized high-β plasmas," Nuclear Fusion 53, 073046 (2013).  DOI
  • Nakamura, S., Shibama, Y.K., Masaki, K., et al., "Design Study of Top Lid with Clamp Structure in JT-60SA Cryostat," Plasma Science and Technology, 15, 188 (2013).  DOI
  • Kobayashi, T., Isayama, A., Sawahata, M., et al., "Dual frequency ECRF system development for JT-60SA, Dual frequency ECRF system development for JT-60SA," Transactions of Fusion Science and Technology, 63, 160 (2013).  DOI
  • Nakano, N., Asakura, N., Kubo, H., "Contribution of Ne ions to radiation enhancement in JT-60U divertor plasmas," Jounals of Nuclear Materials, 433, S291-S296 (2013).  DOI
  • Matsukawa, M., Shimada, K., Yamauchi, K., "A conceptual design study for the error field correction coil power supply in JT-60SA," Plasma Science and Technology, 15, 257 (2013).  DOI
  • Naito, O., "A model distribution function for relativistic bi-Maxwellian with drift," Physics of Plasmas, 20, 44501 (2013).  DOI
  • Isayama, A., Matsunaga, G., Hirano Y., et al., "Onset and Evolution of m/n = 2/1 Neoclassical Tearing Modes in High-βp Mode Discharges in JT-60U," Journal ofphy Plasma and Fusion Research, 8, 1402013 (2013).  DOI
  • Kizu, K., Murakami, H., Tsuchiya, K., et al., "Development of Central Solenoid for JT-60SA," IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 23, 4200104 (2013).  DOI
  • Shimada, K., Terakado, T., Yamauchi, K., et al., "Minimization of Reactive Power Fluctuation in JT-60SA Magnet Power Supply," Plasma Science and Technology, 15, 184 (2013).  DOI
  • Yamauchi, K., Shimada, K., Terakado, T., et al., "Detailed Analysis of the Transient Voltage in a JT-60SA PF Coil Circuit," Plasma Science and Technology, 15, 148 (2013).  DOI
  • Sugimoto M., Kosugi K., Katayama K., et al., "Mass production results of superconducting cables for CS and EF coils of JT-60SA," Proceedings of ICEC 24-ICMC 2012, 799 (2013).
  • Kamiya K., Onishi Y., Ichige T., et al., "Design of JT-60SA thermal shield and cryodistribution," Proceedings of ICEC 24-ICMC 2012, 587 (2013).
  • Murakami H., Kizu K., Ichige T., et al., "Current sharing temperature of central solenoid conductor for JT-60SA under repetition excitation," Proceedings of ICEC 24-ICMC 2012, 575 (2013).
  • Hasegawa M., Horii H., Nomoto K., et al., "Manufacturing of JT-60SA equilibrium field coils," Proceedings of ICEC 24-ICMC 2012, 571 (2013).
  • Kamiya, K., Ida, K., Yoshinuma, M., et al., "Characterization of edge radial electric field structures in the Large Helical Device and their viability for determining the location of the plasma boundary," Nuclear Fusion, 53, 013003 (2012).  DOI
  • Miyata, Y., Suzuki, T., Fujita, T., et al., "Development of simulator for plasma position and shape control in JT-60SA," Plasma and Fusion Research, 7, 1405137 (2012).  DOI
  • Urano, H., Takizuka, T., Fujita, T., et al., "Energy confinement of hydrogen and deuterium H-mode plasmas in JT-60U," Nuclear Fusion, 52, 114021 (2012).  DOI
  • Urano, H., Takizuka, T., Kikuchi, M., et al., "Small ion-temperature-gradient scale length and reduced heat diffusivity at large hydrogen isotope mass in conventional H-mode plasmas," Physical Review Letters, 109, 125001 (2012).  DOI
  • Arakawa, H., Kawano, Y., Itami, K., "Identification of errors in the electron density measurements of a tangential interferometer/polarimeter system during a tokamak discharge," Review of Scientific Instruments, 83, 10E345 (2012).  DOI
  • Ide, S., Hayashi, N., Honda, M., et al., "Plasma Domains and Development of Operation Scenarios in JT-60SA," Plasma and Fusion Research, 7, 2403131 (2012).  DOI
  • Urano, H., Oyama, N., Kamiya, K., et al., "The unified effect of counter-toroidal rotation and power across separatrix on type-I ELMs in JT-60U," Nuclear Fusion, 52, 103012 (2012).  DOI
  • Hada, K., Nagasaki, K., (Ide, S.) , et al., "Analysis of ECRH Pre-Ionization for Plasma Start-Up in JT-60SA," Plasma and Fusion Research, 7, 2403104 (2012).  DOI
  • Murakami, H., Kizu, K., Tsuchiya, K., et al., "Resonance Characteristics and Maximum Turn Voltage of JT-60SA EF Coil," IEEE Transaction on Superconductivity, 22, 9501405 (2012).  DOI
  • Tsuchiya, K., Kizu, K., Murakami, H., et al., "Manufacture of the Winding Pack and Development of Key Parts for the JT-60SA Poloidal Field Coils," IEEE Transaction on Superconductivity, 22, 4202304 (2012).  DOI
  • Yoshida, K., Kizu, K., Tsuchiya, K., et al., "The Manufacturing of the Superconducting Magnet System for the JT-60SA," IEEE Transaction on Superconductivity, 22, 4200304 (2012).  DOI
  • Arakawa, H., Kawano, Y., Itami, K., "Identification of errors in the electron density measurements of a tangential interferometer/polarimeter system during a tokamak discharge," Review of Scientific Instruments, 83, 10E345 (2012).  DOI
  • Koubiti, M., Nakano, T., Capes, H., et al., "Characterization of the JT-60U Divertor Plasma Region During the Formation of a Strong Radiation," Contribution to Plasma Physics, 52, 455 (2012).  DOI
  • Isayama, A., Kobayashi, T., Yokokura, K., et al., "Recent Results from the Development of the Electron Cyclotron Heating System for JT-60SA toward High-Power Long-Pulse Operations," Plasma and Fusion Research, 7, 2405029 (2012).  DOI
  • Tojo, H., Itami, K., Hatae, T., "Principle of an in-situ relative calibration method using a double-pass beam for Thomson scattering diagnostics," Journal of Instrumentation, 7, C05004 (2012).  DOI
  • Tojo, H., Ejiri, A., Hiratsuka, J., et al., "Demonstration of in-situ relative calibration method for a Thomson scattering diagnostic on TST-2," Journal of Instrumentation, 7, P04005 (2012).  DOI
  • Suzuki, T., Fujita, T., "Impact of edge localized mode on photo-elastic-modulator based motional Stark effect polarimetry," Fusion Engineering and Design, 87, 188 (2012).  DOI
  • Yoshida, M., Sakamoto, Y., Honda, M., et al., "Core and edge toroidal rotation study in JT-60U," Nuclear Fusion, 52, 23024 (2012).  DOI
  • Sukegawa, A.M., Kawasaki, H., Okuno, K., "Conceptual Radiation Shielding Design of Superconducting Tokamak Fusion Device by PHITS," Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology, 2, 375 (2011).  DOI
  • Asakura, N., Hayashi, T., Ashikawa, N., et al., "Measurements of carbon dust property in experiment and post-campaign sampling on JT-60U tokamak," Fusion Science and Technology, 60, 1572 (2011).  DOI
  • Fukumoto, M., Nakano, T., Itami, K., et al., "Effects of carbon impurity on deuterium retention in VPS-tungsten coatings exposed to JT-60U divertor plasmas," Journal of Nuclear Materials, 415, 1, S705 (2011).  DOI
  • Koubiti, M., Nakano, T., Capes, H., et al., "Diagnostics of JT-60U Divertor Plasmas by Stark-Doppler Broadening of Carbon Spectral Lines," Journal of Nuclear Materials, 415, S1151 (2011).  DOI
  • Nakano, T., and JT-60 team, "Tungsten transport and accumulation in JT-60U," Journal of Nuclear Materials, 415, S327 (2011).  DOI
  • Kawashima, H., Hoshino, K., Shimizu, K., et al., "Evaluation of heat and particle controllability on the JT-60SA divertor," Journal of Nuclear Materials, 415, S948 (2011).  DOI
  • Sukegawa, A.M., Anayama, Y., Okuno, K., et al., "Flexible heat resistant neutron shielding resin," Journal of Nuclear Materials, 417, 850 (2011).  DOI
  • Shimada, K., Baulaigue, O., Cara, P., et al., "Design study of an AC power supply system in JT-60SA," Fusion Engineering and Design, 86, 1427 (2011).  DOI
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  • T.Matsumoto, et al., "Statistical characteristics from gyro-fluid transport simulation", Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES 6 597-600, (2004).  URL
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  • M.Furukawa, et al., "Geometrical improvements of rotational stabilization of high-n ballooning modes in tokamaks", Nuclear Fusion 43 425-429, (2003).  DOI
  • T.Matsumoto, et al., "Generation of radial electric field induced by collisionless internal kink mode with density gradient", Physics of Plasmas 10 195-203, (2003).  DOI
  • Y.Kishimoto, et al., "Multiple time and spatial scale plasma simulation; Prospect based on current status", Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research 79 460-463, (2003).  URL
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  • Y.Kishimoto, et al., "Numerical EXperiment of Tokamak (NEXT) prospect for multiple-hierarchical complex plasma research", Shimyureshon 22 89-97, (2003).
  • Y.Idomura, et al., "Development of large scale fusion plasma simulation and storage grid on JAERI Origin3800 system", Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research, 79 172-187, (2003).  DOI
  • Y.Idomura, et al., "Global gyrokinetic simulation of ion temperature gradient driven turbulence in plasmas using a canonical Maxwellian distribution", Nuclear Fusion 43 234-243, (2003).  DOI
  • Y.Ishii, et al., "Long timescale plasma dynamics and explosive growth driven by the double tearing mode in reversed shear plasmas", Nuclear Fusion 43 539-546, (2003).  DOI
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  • S.Tokuda, et al., "Tokamak MHD stability; Newcomb equation and boundary layer equations", Theory of Fusion Plasmas 87-102, (2002).
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  • T.Matsumoto, et al., "Effect of electron parallel compressibility on collisionless MHD modes", Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES 5 523-526, (2002).  URL
  • Y.Idomura, et al., "Slablike ion temperature gradient driven mode in reversed shear tokamaks", New Journal of Physics (Internet) 4 101.1-101.13, (2002).  DOI
  • Y.Kishimoto, et al., "Laser-cluster interaction for nuclear fusion", AIP Conference Proceedings 611 264-275, (2002).  DOI
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  • Y.Kishimoto, et al., "High energy ions and nuclear fusion in laser-cluster interaction", Physics of Plasmas 9 589-601, (2002).  DOI
  • Y.Ishii, et al., "Structure-driven nonlinear instability of double tearing modes and the abrupt growth after long-time-scale evolution", Physical Review Letters 89 205002_1-205002_4, (2002).  DOI
  • Y.Suzuki, et al., "Scientific visual analysis system required for large-scale numerical simulations", Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research 78 59-69, (2002).  DOI
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  • T.Matsumoto, et al., "Generation of radial electric field in the process of full reconnection by kinetic kink mode", Earth Planets and Space 53 565-570, (2001).  DOI
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  • T.Tajima, Y.Kishimoto, T.Masaki, "Cluster Fusion", Phys. Scripta, T89, 45 (2001).  DOI
  • T.Takizuka, M.Hosokawa, K.Shimizu, "Particle Simulation of Detached Plasma in the Presence of Diffusive Particle Loss and Radiative Energy Loss", J. Nucl. Mater. 290-293 753 (2001).  DOI
  • T.Takizuka, M.Hosokawa, K Shimizu, "Advanced Particle Simulation of Open-field Plasmas in Magnetic Confinement Systems", Trans. Fusion Tech. 39 111-118 (2001).  DOI  URL
  • Y.Idomura, et al., "Gyrokinetic theory of drift waves in negative shear tokamaks", Nuclear Fusion 41 437-445, (2001).  DOI
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  • Y.Ishii, et al., "Nonlinear destabilization of double tearing modes in reverced magnetic shear plasmas", Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES 4 271-275, (2001).  URL
  • Y.Suzuki, et al., "Dynamics of spheromak-like compact toroids in a drift tube", Nuclear Fusion 41 761-777, (2001).  DOI
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  • A.Ishizawa, et al., "Improved boundary layer analysis of forced magnetic reconnection due to a boundary perturbation", Physics of Plasmas 7 875-882, (2000).  DOI
  • J.Li, Y.Kishimoto, T.Tuda, "Separate Structure of Two Branches of Sheared Slab hi Mode and Effects of Plasma Rotation Shear in Weak Magnetic Shear Region", Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion 42 443-453 (2000).  DOI
  • K. Shimizu, T. Takizuka, "Impurity Behavior in MARFE Plasma", 27th EPS Conf. on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, June 12-16, 2000, Budapest.
  • M. Nagata, N.Fukumoto, H.Ogawa, H.Niimi, T.Ogawa, K.Uehara, T.Shibata, Y.Suzuki, Y.Miura, T.Uyama, H.Kimura, "Behavior of Compact Toroid Injected into the External Magnetic Field", JFT-2M Group, in Proceedings of the 18th International Atomic Energy Agency Fusion Energy Conference 2000 (4-10 October 2000, Sorrento, Italy). to be published in Nuclear Fusion.  DOI
  • N.Hayashi, T.Takizuka, K.Shimizu, "Thermoelectric Instability in Externally Induced Asymmetric Divertor Plasmas", Contrib. Plasma Phys. 40 387-392 (2000).  DOI
  • R.Yoshino, S.Tokuda, "Runaway Electrons in Magnetic Turbulence and Runaway Current Termination in Tokamak Dischrges", Nucl. Fusion 40 1293-1309 (2000).  DOI
  • S.Tokuda, et al., "A New approach to the two-dimensional Newcomb equation", Journal of Accelerator and Plasma Research 5 87-108, (2000).
  • T. Miyoshi, Y. Kishimoto, and NEXT Group, "A Finite Volume-Spectral Approach for the Fully Compressible MHD Simulation in the Torus Geometry", APS meeting (Quebec), Oct.23-27, (2000).
  • T.Miyoshi and NEXT Group, "A spatial discretization of the MHD equations based on the finite volume-spectral method", JAERI-Research, 2000-023, (2000).  URL
  • T.Miyoshi and K.Kusano, "A global MHD model of the Jovian magnetosphere", JAERI-Research, 2000-031, (2000).  URL
  • T.Takizuka, M.Hosokawa, "Particle Simulation Study of the Effect of Radial Electric Field on Scrape-off Layer Plasma and Sheath Formation", Contrib. Plasma Phys. 40 471-477 (2000).  DOI
  • T.Takizuka, K.Shimizu, N.Hayashi, M.Hosokawa, "Simulation Study of the Detached Plasmas by Using Advanced Particle Model and Fluid Model", IAEA-CN-77/TH P1/22, 18th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, 4-10 October, 2000, Sorrento.  URL
  • T.Tsuda, et al., "Interaction of externally applied rotating helical field with tokamak plasma", Nuclear Fusion 40 181-193, (2000).  DOI
  • T.Tuda, Y.Ishii, G.Kurita, et al., "Ideal/Resistive Mode Analysis in Reversed Shear Configuration Plasmas", in Proceedings of the First General Assembly of Asian Plasma and Fusion Association Joint with the Third Asia Pacific Plasma Theory Conference 1998 (21-25 September 1998, Beijin, China), Chinese Physics Letters, 83-84 (2000).
  • T.Tuda, M.Kobayashi, G.Kurita, et al., "Interaction of Externally Applied Helical Field with Tokamak Plasma", in Proceedings 7th International Workshop on Plasma Edge Theory in Fusion Devices (4-6 October 1999, Tajimi, Japan), Contribution to Plasma Physics, 40 256-259 (2000).  DOI
  • Y.Idomura, S.Tokuda, and M.Wakatani, "Stability of ExB Zonal Flow in Electron Temperature Gradient Driven Turbulence", Phys. Plasmas 7, 3551-3566 (2000).  DOI
  • Y.Idomura, S. Tokuda, and M.Wakatani, "Gyrokinetic Theory of Slab Electron Temperature Gradient Mode in Negative Shear Tokamaks", Phys. Plasmas 7, 2456-2468 (2000).  DOI
  • Y.Idomura, S.Tokuda, Y.Kishimoto, and M. Wakatani, "Gyrokinetic Theory of Drift Waves in Negative Shear Tokamaks", 18th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Sorrento, Italy, 2000 (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 2000), IAEA-CN-77/TH2/6 (to be published in Nuclear Fusion).  DOI
  • Y.Idomura, S.Tokuda, and M.Wakatani, "Gyrokinetic Theory of Slab Ion Temperature Gradient Mode in Negative Shear Tokamaks", The 41st APS annual meeting of the division of plasma physics, Seattle, (2000).  DOI
  • Y.Ishii et al., "Nonlinear Destabilization of Double tearing modes in Reversed Magnetic Shear Plasmas", 11th international Toki Conf., 00/12 in Toki.
  • Y.Kishimoto, J.Y.Kim, W.Horton, T.Tajima, M.J.LeBrun, S.A.Dettrick, J.Q. Li, S. Shirai, "Discontinuity Model for Internal Ttransport Barrier Formation in Reversed Shear Plasmas", Nuclear Fusion 40 667-676 (2000).  DOI
  • Y.Kishimoto, et al., "Anomalous transport", Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research 76 1280-1308, (2000).
  • Y.Ishii, M.Azumi, G.Kurita, T.Tuda, "Nonlinear Evolution of Double Tearing Modes", Phys. Plasmas 7 4477-4491 (2000).  DOI
  • Y.Kishimoto, et al., "Microturbulence of tokamak visualized by particel simulation", Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research 76 2, (2000).
  • Y.Suzuki, T.Hayashi, and Y.Kishimoto, "Deceleration Mechanism of Spheromak-like Compact Toroid Penetrating into Magnetized Plasmas", Physics of Plasmas 7 5033-5037 (2000).  DOI
  • Y.Suzuki, et al., "Tree-dimensional dynamics of a compact torus injected into magnetized plasmas II", Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research 76 288-294, (2000).
  • G.Furnish, W.Horton, Y.Kishimoto, M.J.LeBrun, and T.Tajima, "Global Gyrokinetic Simulation of Tokamak Transport", Phys. Plasmas 6 1227-1245 (1999).  DOI
  • G.Kurita, R.Yoshino, Y.Neyatani, Y.Ishii, S.Tokuda. T.Tuda and Y.Kishimoto, "Halo Current Simulation During VDE in a Tokamak", APS 1999.3.20-26, Atlanta, Georgia.
  • J.N.Leboeuf and Y.Ishii, "Effect of Toroidicity, Finite Plasma Beta, and Compressibility on the Linear Stability of Double Tearing Modes", APS, 99/11 in Seattle.
  • J.N.Leboeuf and Y.Ishii, "Effect of Toroidicity, Finite Plasma Beta, and Compressibility on the Linear Stability of Double Tearing Modes", APS, 99/11 in Seattle.
  • M.Hayashi, T.Tajima and R.V.E.Lovelace, "Direct Energy Extraction from Rotating Plasmas", Comments on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion C1 73-82 (1999).
  • S.Tokuda, R.Yoshino, "Simulation Study on Collisionless Loss of Runaway Electrons by Magnetic Perturbations in a Tokamak", Nucl. Fusion 39 1123-1132 (1999).  DOI
  • S.Tokuda, et al., "Gyrokinetic particle simulation using the orbit average electron drift-kinetic equation", Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research 75 131-142, (1999).  DOI
  • S.Tokuda, et al., "A New eigenvalue problem associated with the two-dimensional Newcomb equation without continuous spectra", Physics of Plasmas 6 3012-3026, (1999).  DOI
  • S.Tokuda, et al., "Simulation study on collisionless loss of runaway electrons by magnetic perturbations in a tokamak", Nuclear Fusion 39 1123-1132, (1999).  DOI
  • T. Tajima, Y. Kishimoto, and M.C. Downer, "Optical properties of cluster plasmas", Phys. Plasmas 6 3759-3764 (1999).  DOI
  • T.Takizuka, A.Hatayama, M.Ogasawara, "Numerical Analysis of Thermoelectric Instability in Tokamak Divertor", N.Hayashi, J. Nucl. Mater. 266-269 526-531 (1999).  DOI
  • T.Matsumoto, S.Tokuda, Y.Kishimoto, T.Takizuka, H.Naitou, "Gyro-kinetic Particle Simulation of m=1 Internal Kink Mode in the Presence of Density Gradient", J. Plasma and Fusion Res. 75 1188-1194 (1999).  DOI
  • T.Matsumoto, S.Tokuda, Y.Kishimoto, T.Takizuka, H.Naitou, "Complex Behavior of Internal Collapse due to Self-generated Radial Electric Field", J. Plasma and Fusion Res. Series, 2, 97 (1999).  URL
  • T.Tsuda, et al., "Ideal/resistive modes analysis in reversed shear configuration plasmas", Chinese Physics Letters 362 83-84 (1999).
  • Y.Idomura, S.Tokuda, and M.Wakatani, "Gyrokinetic Theory of Slab Ion Temperature Gradient Mode in Negative Shear Tokamaks", Phys. Plasmas 6 4658 (1999).  DOI
  • Y.Ishii et al., "Nonlinear Destabilization of Double Ttearing Mode", APS, 99/11 in Seattle
  • Y.Kishimoto and T Tajima, "Strong coupling between clusters and radiation", "High Field Science", eds. T. Tajima, K. Mima, and H. Baldis (Plenum, NY, 1999) p.85.  DOI
  • Y.Kishimoto, et al., "Toroidal mode structure in weak and reversed magnetic shear plasmas and its role in the internal transport barrier", Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 40 A663-A677, (1999).  DOI
  • A.Ishizawa, et al., "Large coherent structure formation by magnetic stretching term in two-dimensional MHD turbulence", Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 67 4302-4303, (1998).  DOI
  • J.-Y.Kim, Y.Kishimoto, W.Horton, T.Tajima, and M.Wakatan, "On the Radial Profile and Scaling of Ion Thermal Conductivity from Toroidal ITG Mode", Comments Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion1 8 293-307 (1998).
  • M.Yamagiwa, et al., "Effects of trapped electrons on pressure-gradient-driven kinetic modes with negative magnetic shear", Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 40 1673-1678, (1998).  DOI
  • N.Hayashi, T.Takizuka, A.Hatayama, M.Ogasawara, "Onset Condition of Thermoelectric Instability in Divertor Tokamaks", Nucl. Fusion 38 1695-1709 (1998).  DOI
  • S.Kato, Y.Kishimoto, and J.K.Koga, "Convective amplification of wake field due to self-modulation of a laser pulse induced by field ionization", Phys. Plasmas 5 292-299 (1998).  DOI
  • S.Tokuda, Y.Kishimoto, T.Takizuka, H.Naitou, "Effect of Self-generated Radial Electric Field on International Collapse Induced by m=1 Kinetic kink Mode", T.Matsumoto, the 40th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics of the American Physical Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1998, G4Q-31.
  • S.Tokuda, et al., "Bilinear formulation of the Frieman-Rotenberg equation", Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research, 74 503-511, (1998).  URL
  • T.Matsumoto, S. Tokuda, Y. Kishimoto, T.Takizuka, H.Naitou, "Complex Behavior of Internal Collapse due to Self-generated Radial Electric Field", 9th International Toki Conference, Toki, Japan, 1998, P-I-12.
  • Y. Ishii, T. Ozeki, S. Tokuda, et al., "Ideal Beta Limits of Negative Shear Plasma in JT-60U", Plasma Phys. Control Fusion 40 1607-1618 (1998).  DOI
  • A.Suzuki T.Takizuka, K.Shimizu, N.Hayashi, A.Hatayama, M.Ogasawara, "An Implicit Monte Carlo Method for Simulation of Impurity Transport in Divertor Plasma", J. Comput. Phys. 131, 193- 198 (1997).  DOI
  • K.Shimizu, T.Takizuka, S.Sakasai, "A Review on Impurity Transport in Divertors", J. Nucl. Mater. 241-243 167-181 (1997).  DOI
  • M.Yamagiwa, T.Nemoto, A.Hirose, M.Elia, "Parallelization of Kinetic Ballooning Shooting Code KBSHOOT", JAERI-Data/Code 97-032, 15 P. (1997).  URL
  • N.Hayashi, T.Takizuka, A.Hatayama, M.Ogasawara, "Analysis of Biasing Induced Divertor Asymmetry Using a Five-point Model", J. Phys. Soc. Japan 66 3815-3825 (1997).  DOI
  • N. Hosogane, S. Sakurai, K. Shimizu, S. Tsuji-Iio, M.Shimada, K.Kodama, K Nasaki, N.Asakura, K.Itami, T.Takizuka, "A Compact W-shaped Pumped Divertor Concept for JT-60U", Fusion Energy 1996 (proc. 16th Int. Conf., Montreal, 1996), Vol. 3 (IAEA, Vienna, 1997) 555-563.  URL
  • M.Yamagiwa, A.Hirose, M.Elia, "Kinetic Shooting Code Study of Ballooning Modes in a Tokamak", Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 39 531-540 (1997).  DOI
  • Y.Idomura, S.Tokuda, M.Wakatani, "Chaotic behaviour in PIC simulation and its relation to computational errors", Computer Physics Communications 102 68-80 (1997).  DOI
  • Y.Ishii et al., "Ideal MHD Stability in Negative Shear Plasma", APPTC 97, 97/9 in Toki.
  • Y.Kishimoto, J.K.Koga, T.Tajima, and D.Fisher, "Phase space control and consequences for cooling by using a laser-undulator beat wave", Phys. Rev. E, 55 5948-5963 (1997).  DOI
  • Y.Kishimoto, "Toroidal Mode Structure and Related Transport in Reversed Magnetic Shear Plasma", Invited talk in Asia Pacific Plasma Theory Conf. 1997, Sep.24, 1997, National Institute for Fusion Science, Toki.
  • J-Y.Kim, Y.Kishimoto, M.Wakatani and T.Tajima, "Poloidal Shear flow effect on toroidal ion temperature gradient mode: a theory and simulation", Phys. Plasma 3, 1-7 (1996).  DOI
  • N. Hosogane, S. Sakurai, K. Shimizu, S. Tsuji-Iio, M.Shimada, K.Kodama, K Nasaki, N.Asakura, K.Itami, T.Takizuka, "A Compact W-shaped Pumped Divertor Concept for JT-60U", Fusion Energy 1996 (proc. 16th Int. Conf., Montreal, 1996).  URL
  • S.Tokuda, T.Takizuka, Y.Kishimoto, M.Yamagiwa, K.Shimizu, Y.Ishii, M.Azumi, "Massively Parallel Computing with Plasma Simulation Codes in Tokamak Research", Proc. Australia-Japan Workshop on Plasma Theory and Computation, Robertson, Australia, 15-17 November, 1995 (Research School of Physical Science and Engineering, Australian National University, Canberra, 1996) ANU-PRL-TR-96/01, pp. 70-72.
  • T.Takizuka, "Particle Simulation of Divertor Plasma", Proc. Australia-Japan Workshop on Plasma Theory and Computation, Robertson, Australia, 15-17 November, 1995 (Research School of Physical Science and Engineering, Australian National University, Canberra, 1996) ANU-PRL-TR-96/01, pp. 67-69.
  • V.K.Decyk, H.Naitou, S.Tokuda, "Particle-in Cell Simulation on the Fujitsu VPP500 Parallel Computer", SUPERCOMPUTER 66 (1996) 28.
  • Y.Ishii et al., "MHD Instabilities in Negative Shear Plasma in JT-60U", APS, 96/11 in Denver.
  • Y. Kishimoto, J-Y. Kim, T. Tajima, W. Horton, and G. Furnish Theory of Fusion Plasma edited by J.W.Connor, E.Sindoni and J.Vaclavik, "Theory and simulation of self-organized critical transport driven by toroidal ITG turbulence in tokamak plasma", Proceedings of the Joint Varenna-Lausanne International Workshop (Villa Monastero-Varenna, Italy 26-30 August 1996) 143-153.
  • Y. Kishimoto, T. Tajima, M.J. LeBrun, W. Horton, J-Y. Kim, "Self-organized Critical Gradient Transport and Shear Flow Effects", Nucl. Fusion Supplement (Proc. of 14th Int'l Conf. on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research (IAEA, Vienna)), Vol. 3, 299-307 (1996).
  • Y.Kishimoto, T.Tajima, W.Horton, M.J.LeBrun, J-Y. Kim, "Theory of Self-organized Critical Transport in Tokamak Plasmas", Phys. Plasmas 3, 1289-1307 (1996).  DOI
  • Y.Kishimoto, J-Y.Kim, T.Fukuda, S.Ishida, T.Fujita, "Effect of Weak/Negative Magnetic Shear and Plasma Shear Rotation on Self-organized Critical Gradient Transportin Toroidal Plasmas: Formation of Internal Transport Barrier", Nucl. Fusion Supplement (Proc. of the 16th international conference on fusion energy, organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and held in Montreal, 7-11 Oct. (1996).
  • Y.Kishimoto, "3-dimensional simulation model of Raman regime free-electron laser" J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 65 3877-3889 (1996).  DOI
  • Y.Kishimoto, T.Tajima, D.L.Fisher, K.Mima, "Cooling and phase space control by using laser-undulator beat wave", The Future of Accelerator Physics, AIP Conf. Proc. 356 (AIP, New York, 1996) 408-423 (1996).  DOI
  • K.Shimizu, T.Takizuka, N.Hosogane, "Simulation of Neutral Particle and Impurity Behavior in JT-60U W-Shaped Divertor", J. Plasma and Fusion Res. 71 (1995) 1227-1237.  URL
  • K.Shimizu, T.Takizuka, "Monte-Carlo Modelling of Impurity Transport", J. Plasma and Fusion Research 71 801-812 (1995).

Fusion Reactor Design
  • Hoshino, K., Asakura, N., Tokunaga, S., et al., "Physics design study of the divertor power handling in 8m class DEMO reactor," Fusion Engineering and Design, 124, 352 (2017).  DOI
  • Hoshino, K., Asakura, N., Tokunaga, S., et al., "Progress of divertor study on DEMO design," Plasma Fusion Research, 12, 1405023 (2017).  DOI
  • Wakatsuki, T., Suzuki, T., Hayashi, N., et al., "Reduction of poloidal magnetic flux consumption during plasma current ramp-up in DEMO relevant plasma regimes," Nuclear Fusion, 57, 016015 (2016).  DOI
  • Hoshino, K., Sawada, K., Idei, R., et al., "Photon Trapping Effects in DEMO Divertor Plasma," Contrib. Plasma. Phys., 56, 657 (2016).  DOI
  • Shinohara, K., Tani, K., Oikawa, T., et al., "Effects of rippled fields due to ferritic inserts and ELM mitigation coils on energetic ion losses in a 15 MA inductive scenario in ITER," Nuclear Fusion, 52, 094008 (2012).  DOI
  • Nakamura, M., Kemp, R., Utoh, H., et al., "Effort towards improvement of systems codes for the Broader Approach DEMO design," Fusion Engineering Design, 87, 864 (2012).  DOI
  • Someya, Y., Tobita, K., Utoh, H., et al., "Waste management strategy focused on maintenance, storage and recycling," Fusion Engineering Design, 87, 1282 (2012).  DOI
  • Utoh, H., Tobita, K., Someya, Y., et al., "Conceptual study of vertical transport maintenance for DEMO fusion reactor," Fusion Engineering Design, 87, 1409 (2012).  DOI
  • Utoh, H., Tobita, K., Someya, Y., et al., "Modification of DOHEAT for optimization of coolant conditions in DEMO blanket," Plasma and Fusion Research, 7, 2405109 (2012).  DOI
  • Liu, C., Tobita, K., Someya, Y., et al., "TBR comparison of water-cooled blanket based on PWR and SCWR water," Fusion Engineering and Design, 87, 1667 (2012).  DOI
  • Hoshino, K., Shimizu, K., Asakura, N., et al., "Simulation Study of an Extended Divertor Leg for Heat Control in the SlimCS DEMO Reactor," Contributions to Plasma Physics, 52, 550 (2012).  DOI
  • Someya, S., Tobita, K., "Estimation of Decay Heat in Fusion DEMO Reactor," Plasma and Fusion Research, 7, 2405066 (2012).  DOI
  • Liu, C., Tobita, K., Utoh, H., et al., "Nuclear analysis of DEMO water-cooled blanket basd on sub-critical water condition," Fusion Engineering and Design, 86, 2839 (2011).  DOI
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